Windows Cleaning

So, I’m working with a PC with Windows XP, as usual, but I have slightly more control over it than last time. Thought I’d share my favourite three utilities for stopping me from going crazy:

  • xplorer2—Tabs! Tabs are all I ask for. And this nifty explorer replacement I’m trying out has them. There’s a free version for personal or educational use. Incidentally, if you’re using a Mac, I recommend TotalFinder for all your tabby needs.
  • Taskbar Shuffle—Drag and drop your taskbar items! I still remember the horrid days when after my email client crashed, I had to quit everything else so that I could get my apps back in the order I wanted.
  • WizMouse—If you’ve used the Mac OS or Linux then you may have noticed that you don’t have to click on every damn thing just to get it to recognise your scrollwheel’s authoritah. WizMouse allows you this power on Windows.
Tom Charman Mastodon